
An Annual Weed with Distinctive Red stems that Sprouts in Early Summer

Weed Purslane

What Is Purslane?

Purslane is an annual weed that sprouts in early Summer and dies in the Fall. Its distinctive red stems make it easy to identify. 

Why Do You Have Purslane?

Purslane sprouts in bare areas, especially along the edges of the lawn. Sometimes these bare areas are caused by traffic from vehicles or string trimmers that have scalped the grass. 

What Can You Do About Purslane?

The easiest way to get rid of Purslane is to pull it out. If you haven’t sprayed your lawn with chemicals and are a little adventurous you might even eat it! You can add it to your salad or sauté it. It tastes best if picked in the morning or evening. If you don’t want to pull it, it can be spot treated with some chemicals, or you can just wait for Mother Nature to take care of it in the Fall, when it will eventually die off on its own. 

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