Sunflower Field

Spring Organic Specials

Get Healthy Lawn & Gardening Products for a Beautiful Yard, Naturally


Vitamix FoodCylcer FC-50

The FoodCycler breaks down food waste into a tenth of its original volume and creates a nutrient-rich fertilizer you can add to your soil. The carbon filtration system eliminates odors, making it perfect for indoor use. All you need is one cubic foot of space and a power outlet. It’s that easy to take care of your family (and the planet)!

Vitamix_Food Cycler_FC50_All Parts_Horizontal
Vitamix_FoodCycler_FC-50_Before_Food Inside
Simply Add Your Food Waste to the Bucket
6 Hours Later it Turns to Fertilizer
Buy Vitamix FoodCylcer

Check Out Our Most Popular Organic Products!

Bare Spot Repair Grass Seed

A special blend of grass seed for the Midwest, designed to rejuvenate any existing lawn, regardless of the current blend or condition including, bare spots, thinning grass, dead grass or heavy thatch. This sun/ shade mix contains Bluegrass, Ryegrass and Fine Fescue, suitable for Spring germination.

Buy Bare Spot Repair Grass Seed

Microclover Lawn Seed

Our Microclover has a special coating that helps it establish 6–9 months before non-coated products. Since Microclover provides nitrogen to fertilize your lawn, it helps your grass need less water, reduce fertilizer use, thicken over time, stay greener during the Summer and eliminate chemical weed killers.

Buy Microclover Seed

Grow Garden & Potting Soil Compost Mix

Premium food waste-based compost that will have your neighbors wondering what your secret is! This soil is ideal for use in your outdoor potted plants, raised garden beds, or amending existing soil.

Buy Grow Garden & Potting Soil
Product Grow Garden & Potting Tilth Soil

Sprout Seed Starting Mix

Give your seeds a healthy start with Sprout Seed Starting Mix. A 2020 University of Kentucky study concluded that Sprout was among the top three performing organic potting mixes available nationally!

Buy Sprout Seed Starting Mix
Product Sprout Seed Starting Garden Mix

Deadweed Brew

Skip the Roundup and use an all-natural mix to kill grass & weeds in your mulch beds, patios and driveways. See results in hours!

Buy Deadweed Brew
Product_Captain Jacks_Deadweed Brew

Lawnweed Brew

Derived from iron, Lawnweed Brew is a nice complement to our services if you’re trying to suppress broadleaf weeds in your lawn without traditional chemicals.

Buy Lawnweed Brew
Product_Captain Jacks_Lawnweed Brew

Weed Out Instant Weed Remover

Just push, twist and pull to easily remove your toughest weeds. It’s lightweight and durable with spring action weed release.

Buy Weed Out
Weed Out

Sweet Peet Mulch

Sweet Peet is 100% organic and made from composted ingredients at local farms. With a high moisture retention value, it is excellent for amending your soil as well as mulching perennial, ornamental and vegetable gardens, spot-seeding lawns and mulching around the base of trees and shrubs.

Buy Sweet Peet Mulch
Product Sweet Peet Mulch Bag

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